Jaboticaba / Brazillian Grapes (Escarlate variety)

Jaboticaba / Brazillian Grapes (Escarlate variety)

Regular price ₱4,500.00 ₱3,500.00 Sale

Rare and exotic Jaboticaba Tree Seedlings (Brazilian Grapes)
Escarlate variety is a cross of Red and Aureana varieties, propagated from seed
Bears sweet-spicy-sour fruits with 1-4 small oval flat seeds.

The Jaboticaba fruit, a.k.a. Brazilian grape tree is unusual in that it appears to blossom right out of the bark and trunk of its tree, making quite a remarkable view out during the fruit-bearing period which makes an attractive landscape plant. In addition to being a tropical delight, the fruit also boasts several impressive health benefits that can be attributed to high levels of antioxidants and a good nutritional profile.

The Fruit

  • Succulent looking purple color, sweet and tangy, can be plucked and eaten straight from the tree.
  • Covered by a bitter thick-skinned berry, that is peeled before eating the inner portion of the fruit.
  • Rich in antioxidants, and can used to produce wines and liqueurs.
  • Averages size is 3–4 cm in diameter.


  • Moderate to warm climate
  • Grow from sea-level to elevations of more than 3,000 ft. 
  • Full sun exposure or some shade. 
  • Makes a suitable container specimen
  • Planting spacing: 4-5 ft.
  • Season: September – January
  • Mature Height: 30-40 ft.
  • Mature Width: 15-20 ft.
  • Drought Tolerance: Moderate


  • Grow best in deep, rich, well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5.
  • The tree is not tolerant of salty or poorly drained soil.
  • Prefers moist, rich, slightly acidic soil.
  • Although it is not well adapted to alkaline soils, it may be grown successfully by mulching and applying necessary nutrient sprays containing iron. 
  • The tree is widely adaptable, however, and grows satisfactorily even on alkaline beach-sand type soils, so long as they are tended and irrigated.


  • Water should be supplied as needed to maintain good soil moisture and prevent wilting, but constant flooding is undesirable. As the root system is somewhat shallow, irrigation is usually required when the upper inch or two of soil become dry.


  • For young plants, half ratio fertilizer at monthly intervals will speed the plant's very slow growth rate. Any well-balanced fertilizer applied three times per year will keep the plant healthy. Because of its shallow root system, it is suggested that a series of small holes be dug and filled with organic material around the plant's base. The organic material can contain a balanced fertilizer which will be released during irrigation.


  • Usually grown from seeds in South America. These are nearly always polyembryonic, producing 4 to 6 plants per seed. They germinate in 20 to 40 days.
  • Selected strains can be reproduced by inarching (approach-grafting) or air-layering. 
  • Budding is not easily accomplished because of the thinness of the bark and hardness of the wood. 
  • Side-veneer grafting is fairly successful;
  • And experimental work has shown that propagation by tissue culture may be feasible. 
  • As they grow so slowly they are popular as a bonsai plant in places with more moderate weather.